Saturday, March 9, 2019


We live in a fallen world and universe - for the time being. Temporary.

And as present modern day human beings, we are also Fallen - and still falling as time goes by. There was a unsuccessful attempt in halting or stopping any further decline - spiritual and physical - “WW1” and “WW2” (1914 thru 1945).

“WW1” and “WW2” - the same war really. A world wide coalition against a nation called the German Empire - 1871 thru 1918. Ground zero on how we were going to be defined as human beings. A certain leader of this nation called Jesus Christ “The Great Nazarene”. The German Empire was finally defeated, over-run, and erased from history. Only a redefine present day history remains.

There was an unsuccessful attempt to restore the German Empire in 1933 thru 1945..Well, partially successful.

The Bible is paramount again (definitely for me) as it was for hundreds, if not a thousand, of years before the Industrial and Darwinian Revolutions and Paradigms - (began around 1850 or so).

Bernadette Soubirous was a counter force when the Industrial Age (materialism) began. A response to ever widening forces of Satan in our world.

She saw Mary - the mother of Jesus Christ.

A few select facts that I now come to accept. I accepted them in my early youth. I was brought up as a Catholic/Christian.

As I was becoming more and more indoctrinated into our educational/economic system and “modern science” - evolution and the “Big Bang” theory of everything including billions of years of that and billions of light years of this, I fell away from simple truths of my early teachings by the Nuns and Priests of the Catholic Church. People and ”old timers” of past. And now past on. A very important part of the Catholic Church has past away. I do miss them.

1. The earth and universe are only 6,000 years old. And every dating age and method must conform this rule as a guiding principle.

2. The earth and universe was created in only 6 days. Man was created on the sixth day.

3. There is only one God and Creator of everything.

4. A man prophesized and predicted a couple of thousand years before his birth - Jesus Christ. The only Son of God the Creator. Born of a virgin and his earthly mother was named Mary. Mission of Jesus - to open a doorway to Heaven. A doorway to all who believe and accept. After all, we do live in a Fallen World and Jesus re-established a broken connection that once existed before the Fall and Great Flood. And he will return in Force in the future.

5. There is a Heaven and there is a Hell. Both realms are populated by opposing forces.

6. The earth (and possibly the universe) changed dramatically and catastrophically around 4,300 years ago.

7. We live in a fallen, post Great Flood world.

8. Most people will go to Hell. Some will make it to Heaven.

The Sun. We now have the technological capability to directly observe a spiritual side of the Sun.

The Sun is alive and there is a spiritual quality or forces surrounding it (pre-industrial age people always believed this).

I can see this after some image processing and correcting - simple stuff, enlarging and sharpening. Noise filtering when I can. Most images are too degraded and blurry to work with. I have been going over these images thru PS CS3. These SDO images are degraded and highly selective before public release. Even so, I was able to find a few nice ones (even if a little bit degraded) to work with (a few slip ups or even deliberate sneaking in of some select images) - and found solar dynamics revealing something much more than just elementary physics. There are better sharper and revealing images privately. I am convinced of that.

This spiritual quality or forces is Fallen in nature. A spiritual theme I have discovered throughout the Solar System.

I do get the impression that the Sun is being “held back”. A preliminary conclusion and hypothesis after studying the SDO images for awhile…Being held back by an antagonistic/hostile force or forces - The Sun should be much, much, brighter than it is now - at the least. And maybe something else beneficial/very positive is being held back or stopped. Not hotter temperature wise - just extremely bright.

“7 times brighter”.  Bible passage referring to a future unfulfilled event,

"On the day of the great slaughter, when the towers fall, the light of the moon will be like that of the sun and the light of the sun will be seven times greater like the light of seven days“. - Isaiah Ch30, verse 26.

I do suspect before the Great Flood of 4,300 years ago, typical daylight was brighter than today. A greater light during the day. And a lesser light at night. The nights were brighter - with the help of a transparent or semi-transparent global shield. Twilight and we were able to hear the music of the stars. Stars ring like bells - each star has its own musical or tonal quality. Our Sun too - rings like a bell.

The earth had a global protective transparent water/crystalline shield 11 miles up - the “Firmament” - created on day 2. This shield or firmament - I suspect that it was also semi-reflective like a mirror. One can see the reflection of the ground. When one looks up - one is also looking down. And during the night, the stars were superimposed on this reflection. Stars that we were able to hear its music.

This shield was destroyed during a global Great Flood and a single land mass broke up catastrophically and quickly - within a time span of minutes to a couple of hours. Separating quickly, several miles an hour in speed, into the continents was see today. “Catastrophic Plate Tectonics” - as it is called. Sea water (millions of gallons or millions of tons) hit extremely hot, large exposed areas (hundreds of square miles) of magma - shooting jets of water/steam high into the atmosphere - hitting and destroying a very important component of earth - the Firmament. Consequently, large amounts of water fell down to earth as 40 days of continuous rain..

The Great Flood - the entire planet earth was submerged in water for 150 days.

Only 8 people, men and women, select and chosen (by God) people survived this cataclysm. Along with a broad spectrum of plants, animals (dinosaurs), sea life, insects. The “Ark”.

8 people survived and chosen out of a large population. Hundreds of thousands to millions? 10 million? 50 million people pre-Great Flood?

And when Jesus returns, there will be another cataclysm. Another catastrophic global (if not universal) event - with only a few and select population of people will survive.

hy·poth·e·sis [hī póthəssiss]
(plural hy·poth·e·ses [hī póthə sz])
1.  theory needing investigation: a tentative explanation for a phenomenon, used as a basis for further investigation.
The hypothesis of the big bang is one way to explain the beginning of the universe.

2.  assumption: a statement that is assumed to be true for the sake of argument.
That is what would logically follow if you accepted the hypothesis.

3.  antecedent clause: in logic, the antecedent of a conditional statement.

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