Saturday, June 18, 2011


Since WW2 or 1945, the world of today is the result of that war. The defeat of the “evil Axis”, Germany and Japan. In 1948, this nation was proclaimed,

63 years later, Israel is an empire de facto encompassing the USA, Europe, Russia. I am suspecting that Israel also has influence in China, Japan, and even Latin America. Israel/Zion is a political entity with Global ambitions. Actually, the USA, Europe - the UK especially, and Russia was already apart of this Jewish empire in 1948. They immediately recognized Israel when Israel declared independence.

This German 1940s cartoon sums it up nicely. Before 1945, Germany, Adolf Hitler and the NSDAP, were acutely aware of the Jewish global ambition threat and wanted no part of it. A Middle Eastern based Jewish/Zion global empire with the philosophy, economics, banking, commercialism, and a religion that goes with it.

Before 1948, it was Palestine. Actually, it was the British Mandate of Palestine, 1920 -1948.

Three years earlier in 1917, the Balfour declaration was publicly announced as British policy.

The Treaty of Versailles. Effective 1920. An attempt to control and weaken Germany. This treaty attempted to imposed fines worth at least 3 times the total land value for the next 70 years for starters. Adolf Hitler was only a WW1 soldier at the time. Adolf Hitler was elected Reich president in 1933. Adolf Hitler threw away this treaty.

A US Congressional prayer, 1918. Anti German propaganda. Setting the stage for the next 30 years. US WW2 soldiers were just being born or toddlers.

“Almighty God! Our Heavenly Father! Thou knowest that we are embroiled in a war for life and death with one of the most shameful, mean, greedy, stingy, bloodthirsty, depraved and sinful nations that ever disgraced the pages of history. Thou knowest that Germany has squeezed enough tears from the eyes of mankind to fill a new ocean, that is has spilled enough blood to redden each wave on that ocean, that it has choked enough screams and moans from the hearts of men, women, and children to pile into a mountain. We entreat Thee, bare thy mighty arm and beat back the massive pack of hungry wolfish Huns, from whose fangs drip blood and slime. We entreat Thee, let the stars in their course and the winds and waves fight against them. And once it is all over, we shall bare our heads and lift our faces up to Heaven. And praise be to Thee for evermore, in Jesus Christ. Amen.”

US Congressional Record - The proceedings and debates of the second session of the 65th Congress of the United States of America. Session of January 10, 1918.
66 years later since 1945, Germany, Italy, and Japan were defeated. Supposedly, they were the “bad guys”. Hollywood, the News Media - New York Times for example, Roosevelt, and Churchill back then has said so.

Somewhere, maybe the Pentagon, London, Moscow, Paris, or even all them, in government buildings, there are files and files of all things “Nazi” Germany.

De-Nazification. This was for people like you and I.

The good stuff like economics, educational structure, banking, taxes, social structure, military, are all withheld..

I have yet to see a MEFO bill. A “Work Creation” bill. “Money back by Labor”. (Instead of Gold).

I have yet to see an income tax form under Nazi Germany and Adolf Hitler. Was there any income taxes? If there was, what were the rates? By 1939, there were income taxes in the USA.

A link. “……and direct social behavior”.

Was Nazi Germany a true Nationalist Socialist society? As of today, I say yes. Actually, a compromise between Capitalism and Socialism. No system is either pure Capitalist or Socialist. However, there can be extremes of either Socialism or Capitalism.

All I have seen is how evil and bad Nazi Germany was. Hollywood, news media, and education as sponsored by governments.

All I have seen is propaganda and spin. Spin, spin, and more spin.

Nazi Germany is evil!

A few movies. Pre “Holocaust”. A sample. All of them silly and stupid. Definitely not science or investigations. USA anti “Nazi” German Propaganda. They are fictional movies. Not in depth studies of life in pre 1945 National Socialist Germany. Never was any.

1939 - “Confessions of a Nazi Spy”.

1942 - 1945. “Why We Fight” series. Approved by Roosevelt. Pure fiction. Not science or unbiased History.

1943 - “Hitler’s Children” and “Hitler’s Madman”. These are Hollywood movies. Not a single piece of truth to them.'s_Children_(film)'s_Madman

Then there are the patriotic pro USA/Allies movies. Just one sample. 1943.

Fast forward 65 years to the present. 2008. A anti Nazi/Adolf Hitler movie. Fiction. A fictional dramatization movie based on single shred of history, the assassination attempt of Adolf Hitler. Everything after this is a Hollywood movie.

65 years of anti Nazi propaganda and movies. 93 years since that anti German US Congressional prayer. This type of propaganda shows a desperate fanaticism.

Question. When will people begin to wake up and mature?

A propaganda poster 1940s, pre “Holocaust“. A propaganda theme that changes over the years. Posters, Hollywood movies, books. Lots of spin that continues to this day. Mix some historical fact with lots of propaganda fiction to confuse the public. If one wants a clean history of pre 1945 Germany, one needs to research diligently yourself. Standard College and University classes are useless.

When this poster came out there was supposed to be a holocaust going on. Thousands to millions were being killed 24/7. You need to do this if one is going to kill 6 million people within 4 years during a two front war. News of this would have been leaked out. Of course, we have this scenario 60 years later.

What better way to whip up anti Nazi hysteria by showing holocaust themes during the war. Humphrey Bogart movies to New York Times spin. Never happened.

“Holocaust” propaganda. This is for another post.

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