Saturday, February 9, 2019

Race and People


More specifically, One Race, One People, One Language. One Leader under God. A Kingdom. Earthly or Heavenly..

A homogenous people and society - One United, Spiritual Race/Nation/Culture. The way God the Father and Creator intended in the beginning before the Fall and the Great Flood.

Even up until 1945, there were homogenous nations, Germany to Japan. All with their own spiritual races and nations. Even the USA for the most part - One Race, One People, One Language. And there was an (unsuccessful) attempt to preserve this, WW2. And stop any further degradation (spiritual and physical).

And we are degrading over time. We are still falling spiritually and physically (they do both work together) until Jesus and his army of angel warriors returns to earth.

“Deterioration of the Human Race”

This is wrong.
Sure, it is a political reality of today. However, not Race but many Races and languages forced together (over time) thru governmental politics and our educational system. Even our entertainment industry. All work together to implement (actually force) a political philosophy (of a few) on the masses. Especially Europe and the USA post 1945..

And it is thru politics where one can walk into a shopping mall, public park, beach, a walk down the street, enter College, and see all kinds of races, languages, prejudices, personal philosophies, economic status, and health conditions. In short, Chaos with all the negative forces attached to it. Chaos all under one roof and room! USA to Europe. It was not so 75 years ago.

In the beginning, the earth had a global protective shield (day 2 of creation week). No need to have dark skin pigments to protect from excessive UV radiation and heat. The fact there are so many races/languages today supports a fallen world and genetic degradation of the original DNA of Adam and Eve..(Satan and his agents - demonic and human - here on earth is our current God of this fallen world).

Satan, our current God and deceiver of earth and modern, present day civilization since WW2..

“The devil said to him, "I shall give to you all this power and their glory; for it has been handed over to me, and I may give it to whomever I wish.”

Adam and Eve (and their first generation children) were white, blue eyes, blonde hair (or even red) - naturally and logically. Stronger, taller, handsome and beautiful, noble, honorable, smarter, perfect, athletic with excellent physique, and had spiritual powers unknown to us today, as God intended in the beginning. The original design specs of planet earth and people. Where God and People worked together and were close - even after the Fall where Eve was tricked and deceived by Satan. (There was no open rebellion of Man against God above).

And the European continent  - Nordic and Germanic regions, the heart of Europe - is where the original (pre-flood) inhabitants and survivors resided. A few select survivors. Of course, in the middle east as well - “Aryan”.

I also come to realize Jesus is white, blonde, blue eyes. Most definitely as a child. As Jesus grew older and the Sun took its toll on his skin (he was a human being, of course his blood was different due to a virgin birth) - he became tan. Hair darkened..

When one enters Heaven thru Jesus Christ (the only way now since his Crucifixion and Resurrection), we will be citizens of heavenly holy nation, where Jesus is King. One Race, One People, One Language. One Leader equal with God the Father and Creator of all there is…(Jesus is not God himself, never said he was).

Leader - Jesus Christ - , God the Father and Creator, and a homogenous Nation/people working together exploring the infinite - “many rooms” or “dwelling places“. I can’t wait!

“In my Father's house there are many dwelling places. If there were not, would I have told you that I am going to prepare a place for you?”

A superior, heavenly, homogenous nation - One Race, One Language, One Leader. A nation of people with super-natural bodies and spirits - and will return to earth one day.

Just simple truths (actually, a form of Prayer!) to correct the articles on “Race” I see here on AIG.

I have nothing against many races and languages working together temporarily, a reality of our present day fallen satanic world. - However, if there is a homogenous nation, society, and neighborhoods, all one race and speaking the same language - absolutely nothing wrong with that..

The idea and thought of a homogenous nation and a single united race of people is disappearing if not extinct already.

ho·mo·ge·ne·ous [hmə jnee əss, hòmmə jnee əss]
or ho·mog·e·nous [hə mójjənəss, hō mójjənəss]
1.  of same kind: having the same kind of constituent elements, or being similar in nature
a relatively small, culturally homogeneous community.

Encarta ® World English Dictionary © & (P) 1998-2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Something special is lost until the Return and the earth (and universe) is recreated/renewed. From all accounts this return will be catastrophic with a few select survivors, sudden, and there will be a major fight between Heaven and Hell (The Book of Revelation and The Gospel of Jesus Christ).

And as believing Christians - Genesis to Revelation, we are waiting for his return to earth or when we transcend this world and enter Heaven.

Ultimately, Jesus teaches to reject the world around you and your place in it…..And “Follow me”. Carry that Cross daily until we are raised on our last day,

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