Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Star Music


What needs to be done  - superimpose all these sounds together into a Symphony,

“When the morning stars sang together, and all the Sons of God shouted for joy?” - Book of Job, Ch38 verse 7.

My favorite is Saturn.

“Time on this recording has been compressed such that 73 seconds corresponds to 27 minutes, or, the recording is at 22x real time. Since the frequencies of these emissions are well above the audio frequency range, we have shifted them downward by a factor of 44.”

Venus second,

And Titan third,

We don’t know how these morning stars sound. But, the above links do help us obtain a glimpse. Give an idea how this music sounds.

In the beginning, before the Great Flood, people and “Sons of God” were able to here the music of the stars and planets and all the rest - Able to hear music of the Universe with the help of a global protective water/crystalline shield. This shield is a marvel of engineering of the highest degree  - it took a whole day, 24hrs, to create this global crystal/water shield,

“And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters.

And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so.

And God called the firmament Heaven. And the evening and the morning were the second day.” - Book of Genesis.

“Above the heads of the living creatures was a likeness of the firmament; it was awesome,
stretching upwards like shining crystal over their heads.” - Ezekiel Ch1, verse 22,

"Hast thou with him spread out the sky, which is strong, and as a molten looking glass?"

"Can you with him spread out the firmament of the skies,hard as a molten mirror?"

“Sons of God” and Heroes of renown. Mighty heroic, honorable Men of past,

And the most beautiful people ever created by God Above walked the earth - and the most beautiful women ever graced the earth married and made Love to the Sons of God Above - Gave birth to beautiful children - All before Satan and his agents corrupted these early pre-flood human beings,

“And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them,

That the Sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose.

There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the Sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.”

“Giants” - people, plants, animals (dinosaurs), Insects - all huge per fossil record. The planet earth before the Great Flood (approx 4,300 years ago) was different - uniform global temp (some say around a constant 78deg), higher atmospheric pressure, higher oxygen and CO2 content - all with the help of this “Firmament” or water/crystal shield. And of course, a homogenous people, one people, one race, one language - and was created by God Above.

“The placing of a catastrophic global flood in the year 2304 BC means that all civilizations discovered by archaeology must fit into the last 4,285 years.”

“God created mankind in his image; in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.”

A modern day glimpse - even if a present day reality of our Fallen World. Europe - direct descendents of survivors of a global Great Flood - settled in a region where their skin is still protected (versus settling in Africa or other parts of the earth around the equator) - even if their DNA is degraded some or re-adapted to a new global environment post Great Flood,

Alfred Rosenberg, “Myth of the 20th Century”,

“From the beginning of the 5th century the treatise Physiognomika, by Admantios, said of the Hellenes that they were particularly tall in stature, with firm white skin, and had well formed feet and hands, powerful of neck, with brown hair which was gently and softly waved. They had square faces, fine lips, straight noses and powerful eyes with a powerful glittering gaze. They were a people with the most beautiful eyes in the world.”

sym·pho·ny [símfənee]
(plural sym·pho·nies)
1.  complex musical composition: a major work for an orchestra, including wind, string, and percussion instruments, usually composed in four movements, at least one of which is in sonata form.
2.  music Same as symphony orchestra.
3.  concert by symphony orchestra: a concert performed by a symphony orchestra.
4.  harmonious composition or arrangement: something that is harmoniously composed.
The painting was a symphony of blues, greens, and yellows.
5.  harmony of sounds or colors: harmony or agreement of sounds or colors (archaic).

Encarta ® World English Dictionary © & (P) 1998-2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Monday, May 6, 2019



“Sinful man is to blame for the entry of sin and death into the world .”

Man is not sinful - Originally.

If one reads The Book of Genesis carefully, Eve was deceived, tricked, and taken advantage of (Eve was seeking wisdom and knowledge).

Satan or the Serpent of Genesis ignored the stronger Adam  - the first human being created - and focused his plan of corruption and destruction on Eve..

We are all born of “Original Sin” - in which Jesus revoked. And of course, his blood -somewhere in Heaven -  is waiting to wash us clean before entering Heaven where Jesus is our King and we become citizens of his Heavenly Nation -

Jesus only asks (actually commands!) us to stop sinning, acknowledge past sins, follow the 10 Commandments, and believe in him - “Follow Me”.  Once we do this, we are no longer  “Sinners”.

I am confident I am no longer a sinful person. I am now waiting to be raised on my last day,

“Everything that the Father gives me will come to me, and I will not reject anyone who comes to me, because I came down from heaven not to do my own will but the will of the one who sent me. And this is the will of the one who sent me, that I should not lose anything of what he gave me, but that I should raise it (on) the last day. For this is the will of my Father, that everyone who sees the Son and believes in him may have eternal life, and I shall raise him (on) the last day.” - Jesus Christ.

“Original Sin” is a “Negative” and only enforces weakness in anyone who accepts it as a fundamental reality of the Person. It sets up a mental theme and attitude - that is not true in Truth of a past event.

“Original Sin” - poor choice of words of a past event - a “Fall” but not “Sin”. A “Doctrine” that was “created” and a “Interpretation“ - a “Paradigm“ created by a few people several hundred years ago,

The concept of “Original Sin”  - a “Rebuttal”.  A good one and I have accepted this Truth,

“Into this raceless stew which was now Rome came Christianity. Its success is largely to be explained by its concept of a sinful world and redemption through grace, which was its natural compliment.

The doctrine of original sin would have been incomprehensible to a people whose racial identity was unadulterated.

In such a people there dwells a secure confidence in itself and in its will, which it regards as Destiny.

The concept of sin was as alien to the heroes of Homeros as it was to the ancient Indians, the Germans of Tacitus, or the epics and sagas of Dietrich von Bern.

An oppressive sense of sin is a sure symptom of racial bastardy.

Race pollution shows itself in a number of stigmata; in an absence of clear direction in thought and action; an inner self doubt; the feeling that existence is simply the wages of sin and not the necessary and mysterious imperative of self development. The sense of personal depravity leads to a yearning for grace, and this is the only hope for the products of miscegenation.” - Alfred Rosenberg, "Myth of the 20th Century".

Dietrich von Bern.

mis·ceg·e·na·tion [mìssijə náysh'n]
n (offensive when used disapprovingly, as often formerly)
1.  sexual relations between races: sexual relations between people of different races, especially of different skin colors, leading to the birth of children.
2.  intermarriage between races: marriage or cohabitation between people of different races.

Encarta ® World English Dictionary © & (P) 1998-2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Saturday, March 9, 2019


We live in a fallen world and universe - for the time being. Temporary.

And as present modern day human beings, we are also Fallen - and still falling as time goes by. There was a unsuccessful attempt in halting or stopping any further decline - spiritual and physical - “WW1” and “WW2” (1914 thru 1945).

“WW1” and “WW2” - the same war really. A world wide coalition against a nation called the German Empire - 1871 thru 1918. Ground zero on how we were going to be defined as human beings. A certain leader of this nation called Jesus Christ “The Great Nazarene”. The German Empire was finally defeated, over-run, and erased from history. Only a redefine present day history remains.

There was an unsuccessful attempt to restore the German Empire in 1933 thru 1945..Well, partially successful.

The Bible is paramount again (definitely for me) as it was for hundreds, if not a thousand, of years before the Industrial and Darwinian Revolutions and Paradigms - (began around 1850 or so).

Bernadette Soubirous was a counter force when the Industrial Age (materialism) began. A response to ever widening forces of Satan in our world.

She saw Mary - the mother of Jesus Christ.

A few select facts that I now come to accept. I accepted them in my early youth. I was brought up as a Catholic/Christian.

As I was becoming more and more indoctrinated into our educational/economic system and “modern science” - evolution and the “Big Bang” theory of everything including billions of years of that and billions of light years of this, I fell away from simple truths of my early teachings by the Nuns and Priests of the Catholic Church. People and ”old timers” of past. And now past on. A very important part of the Catholic Church has past away. I do miss them.

1. The earth and universe are only 6,000 years old. And every dating age and method must conform this rule as a guiding principle.

2. The earth and universe was created in only 6 days. Man was created on the sixth day.

3. There is only one God and Creator of everything.

4. A man prophesized and predicted a couple of thousand years before his birth - Jesus Christ. The only Son of God the Creator. Born of a virgin and his earthly mother was named Mary. Mission of Jesus - to open a doorway to Heaven. A doorway to all who believe and accept. After all, we do live in a Fallen World and Jesus re-established a broken connection that once existed before the Fall and Great Flood. And he will return in Force in the future.

5. There is a Heaven and there is a Hell. Both realms are populated by opposing forces.

6. The earth (and possibly the universe) changed dramatically and catastrophically around 4,300 years ago.

7. We live in a fallen, post Great Flood world.

8. Most people will go to Hell. Some will make it to Heaven.

The Sun. We now have the technological capability to directly observe a spiritual side of the Sun.

The Sun is alive and there is a spiritual quality or forces surrounding it (pre-industrial age people always believed this).

I can see this after some image processing and correcting - simple stuff, enlarging and sharpening. Noise filtering when I can. Most images are too degraded and blurry to work with. I have been going over these images thru PS CS3. These SDO images are degraded and highly selective before public release. Even so, I was able to find a few nice ones (even if a little bit degraded) to work with (a few slip ups or even deliberate sneaking in of some select images) - and found solar dynamics revealing something much more than just elementary physics. There are better sharper and revealing images privately. I am convinced of that.

This spiritual quality or forces is Fallen in nature. A spiritual theme I have discovered throughout the Solar System.

I do get the impression that the Sun is being “held back”. A preliminary conclusion and hypothesis after studying the SDO images for awhile…Being held back by an antagonistic/hostile force or forces - The Sun should be much, much, brighter than it is now - at the least. And maybe something else beneficial/very positive is being held back or stopped. Not hotter temperature wise - just extremely bright.

“7 times brighter”.  Bible passage referring to a future unfulfilled event,

"On the day of the great slaughter, when the towers fall, the light of the moon will be like that of the sun and the light of the sun will be seven times greater like the light of seven days“. - Isaiah Ch30, verse 26.

I do suspect before the Great Flood of 4,300 years ago, typical daylight was brighter than today. A greater light during the day. And a lesser light at night. The nights were brighter - with the help of a transparent or semi-transparent global shield. Twilight and we were able to hear the music of the stars. Stars ring like bells - each star has its own musical or tonal quality. Our Sun too - rings like a bell.

The earth had a global protective transparent water/crystalline shield 11 miles up - the “Firmament” - created on day 2. This shield or firmament - I suspect that it was also semi-reflective like a mirror. One can see the reflection of the ground. When one looks up - one is also looking down. And during the night, the stars were superimposed on this reflection. Stars that we were able to hear its music.

This shield was destroyed during a global Great Flood and a single land mass broke up catastrophically and quickly - within a time span of minutes to a couple of hours. Separating quickly, several miles an hour in speed, into the continents was see today. “Catastrophic Plate Tectonics” - as it is called. Sea water (millions of gallons or millions of tons) hit extremely hot, large exposed areas (hundreds of square miles) of magma - shooting jets of water/steam high into the atmosphere - hitting and destroying a very important component of earth - the Firmament. Consequently, large amounts of water fell down to earth as 40 days of continuous rain..

The Great Flood - the entire planet earth was submerged in water for 150 days.

Only 8 people, men and women, select and chosen (by God) people survived this cataclysm. Along with a broad spectrum of plants, animals (dinosaurs), sea life, insects. The “Ark”.

8 people survived and chosen out of a large population. Hundreds of thousands to millions? 10 million? 50 million people pre-Great Flood?

And when Jesus returns, there will be another cataclysm. Another catastrophic global (if not universal) event - with only a few and select population of people will survive.

hy·poth·e·sis [hī póthəssiss]
(plural hy·poth·e·ses [hī póthə sz])
1.  theory needing investigation: a tentative explanation for a phenomenon, used as a basis for further investigation.
The hypothesis of the big bang is one way to explain the beginning of the universe.

2.  assumption: a statement that is assumed to be true for the sake of argument.
That is what would logically follow if you accepted the hypothesis.

3.  antecedent clause: in logic, the antecedent of a conditional statement.

Encarta ® World English Dictionary © & (P) 1998-2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Saturday, February 9, 2019

Race and People


More specifically, One Race, One People, One Language. One Leader under God. A Kingdom. Earthly or Heavenly..

A homogenous people and society - One United, Spiritual Race/Nation/Culture. The way God the Father and Creator intended in the beginning before the Fall and the Great Flood.

Even up until 1945, there were homogenous nations, Germany to Japan. All with their own spiritual races and nations. Even the USA for the most part - One Race, One People, One Language. And there was an (unsuccessful) attempt to preserve this, WW2. And stop any further degradation (spiritual and physical).

And we are degrading over time. We are still falling spiritually and physically (they do both work together) until Jesus and his army of angel warriors returns to earth.

“Deterioration of the Human Race”

This is wrong.
Sure, it is a political reality of today. However, not Race but many Races and languages forced together (over time) thru governmental politics and our educational system. Even our entertainment industry. All work together to implement (actually force) a political philosophy (of a few) on the masses. Especially Europe and the USA post 1945..

And it is thru politics where one can walk into a shopping mall, public park, beach, a walk down the street, enter College, and see all kinds of races, languages, prejudices, personal philosophies, economic status, and health conditions. In short, Chaos with all the negative forces attached to it. Chaos all under one roof and room! USA to Europe. It was not so 75 years ago.

In the beginning, the earth had a global protective shield (day 2 of creation week). No need to have dark skin pigments to protect from excessive UV radiation and heat. The fact there are so many races/languages today supports a fallen world and genetic degradation of the original DNA of Adam and Eve..(Satan and his agents - demonic and human - here on earth is our current God of this fallen world).

Satan, our current God and deceiver of earth and modern, present day civilization since WW2..

“The devil said to him, "I shall give to you all this power and their glory; for it has been handed over to me, and I may give it to whomever I wish.”

Adam and Eve (and their first generation children) were white, blue eyes, blonde hair (or even red) - naturally and logically. Stronger, taller, handsome and beautiful, noble, honorable, smarter, perfect, athletic with excellent physique, and had spiritual powers unknown to us today, as God intended in the beginning. The original design specs of planet earth and people. Where God and People worked together and were close - even after the Fall where Eve was tricked and deceived by Satan. (There was no open rebellion of Man against God above).

And the European continent  - Nordic and Germanic regions, the heart of Europe - is where the original (pre-flood) inhabitants and survivors resided. A few select survivors. Of course, in the middle east as well - “Aryan”.

I also come to realize Jesus is white, blonde, blue eyes. Most definitely as a child. As Jesus grew older and the Sun took its toll on his skin (he was a human being, of course his blood was different due to a virgin birth) - he became tan. Hair darkened..

When one enters Heaven thru Jesus Christ (the only way now since his Crucifixion and Resurrection), we will be citizens of heavenly holy nation, where Jesus is King. One Race, One People, One Language. One Leader equal with God the Father and Creator of all there is…(Jesus is not God himself, never said he was).

Leader - Jesus Christ - , God the Father and Creator, and a homogenous Nation/people working together exploring the infinite - “many rooms” or “dwelling places“. I can’t wait!

“In my Father's house there are many dwelling places. If there were not, would I have told you that I am going to prepare a place for you?”

A superior, heavenly, homogenous nation - One Race, One Language, One Leader. A nation of people with super-natural bodies and spirits - and will return to earth one day.

Just simple truths (actually, a form of Prayer!) to correct the articles on “Race” I see here on AIG.

I have nothing against many races and languages working together temporarily, a reality of our present day fallen satanic world. - However, if there is a homogenous nation, society, and neighborhoods, all one race and speaking the same language - absolutely nothing wrong with that..

The idea and thought of a homogenous nation and a single united race of people is disappearing if not extinct already.

ho·mo·ge·ne·ous [hmə jnee əss, hòmmə jnee əss]
or ho·mog·e·nous [hə mójjənəss, hō mójjənəss]
1.  of same kind: having the same kind of constituent elements, or being similar in nature
a relatively small, culturally homogeneous community.

Encarta ® World English Dictionary © & (P) 1998-2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Something special is lost until the Return and the earth (and universe) is recreated/renewed. From all accounts this return will be catastrophic with a few select survivors, sudden, and there will be a major fight between Heaven and Hell (The Book of Revelation and The Gospel of Jesus Christ).

And as believing Christians - Genesis to Revelation, we are waiting for his return to earth or when we transcend this world and enter Heaven.

Ultimately, Jesus teaches to reject the world around you and your place in it…..And “Follow me”. Carry that Cross daily until we are raised on our last day,