Sunday, October 9, 2011

A Perfect German Sunday

Nice. I see a Red Volkswagen. Adolf Hitler’s idea for a people’s car. A “Strength thru Joy” car. Who said you can only choose Black.

I am trying to find words to describe that video. I see one race and one culture. One language. A Nationalist Socialist society. A “People’s State”. Something special. Something that could have been special today. Something I would of supported. These people were more important than just “blocks of shares” to be taxed. Taxed to serve a few rich people with big international banking goals. I still do not know the financial situation of pre 1945 Germany. I do have clues. I will say they, as in German civilians, were better off and better cared for than Americans in 1937. That video tells me how Adolf Hitler felt about his “Folk“.

So, the title “A Perfect German Sunday” is a true statement. A perfect day in paradise. Paradise lost.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Yale University

Looking over these documents. “Nazi Conspriracy and Aggression Volume 4”.

Conspiracy and Aggression? I do not see this at all. I see a list of disorganized dry legal type documents. This list should be in chronological order with some (honest!) historical context. I can do this given some time. But, that list of docs do give limited “official” accounts during 1933 thru 1945. Peace time and war time stuff.

There are Jewish related stuff. To say it simply, Germany had a problem with these people even if they only consisted 1 percent of the population. Germany under Adolf Hitler wanted nothing to do at all with Judaism in banking, politics. They were only concerned for Germanic ideals. No problem with that. I will put these Yale “Nazi Conspriracy and Aggression Volume 4” Jewish documents in their proper historical context later.

In fact, I will put this site in order with clarifications and proper Historical context. A project for a few months. Lots of material here.

Reading this document. “Law relating to Finance Measures in connection with the Police”.

I am studying that legal document. It does give clues or a glimpse of the financial machinery of a National Socialist system. I will probably need to send this to an Accountant or a financial person for further clarification. Like all legal stuff, there are always loops in the sentences, “If “A” says this, please see “B””.

This is the primary financial system used. Taxes are still collected. Rates unknown at this time. The Reich Government is at the top - Adolf Hitler. The banks only purpose is to convert these bills to cash. The banks still make a profit thru discounts but they are last in line. I see no interest bearing loans in this system.

I see no mention at all of this program on that Yale University website.

A Police officer. A picture definitely taken during happier times before Sept 1939.

Even so, during those brief 6 peaceful years, there was a propaganda war against Germany. Because Germany was under constant attack in one form or another since 1914, strict measures were called for.

NSDAP Economics

Reading this book.

I now understand the war against Germany, Adolf Hitler, and the NSDAP. It was a war over finance and banking. Consequently, Capitalism. It is that simple. Truth is simple to the core. Always will be.

A quote from that book. Written in 1932. A financial principle totally at odds with the banking system at the time and today. I have added notes in parentheses.
Our financial principle: Finance shall exist for the benefit of the state; the financial magnates shall not form a state within a state. Hence our aim to break the thraldom (slavery) of interest.

16. Relief of the state, and hence of the nation, from its indebtedness to the great financial houses (international central banks) which lend on into.

17. Nationalisation of the Reichsbank and the issuing houses. ( this step eliminates the power and separateness of a central bank).

18. Provision of money for all great public objects (water projects, railroads, etc), not by means of loans, but by granting non - interesting bearing state bonds or without using ready money. (“without using ready money” - think!).

19. Introduction of a fixed standard of currency on a secured basis (Currency backed by labor instead of Gold).

20. Creation of a national bank of business development - currently in reform - for the granting non-interest bearing loans. (non - interest bearing loans - think on this, since when does a modern day, present day bank do this?).

21. Fundamental re-modeling of the system of taxation on sound economic principles. Relief of the consumer from the burden of indirect taxation, and of the producer from crippling taxes. Fiscal reform and relief from taxation. “

This chart. A beginning. This system is the heart of “Nazi” Germany’s economic recovery. I am still studying this chart. These “bills” are a form of non -interest bearing or zero interest loans/bonds. These bills are converted to cash at a discount - the banks still earn profits.

The source article. This author is brainwashed by propaganda. This article is slanted to the “evil Nazi” propaganda theme. The author at the end of this article invokes a religious figure. Irrelevant.

This has nothing to do with the previous article or economics.

Despite the authors personal “evil Nazi” slant, a glimpse is revealed on the NSDAP economic “miracle”.


Watching this video. The music of choice is appropriate.

A war totally fought on false propaganda. Lies. Lies by the USA and the UK. Roosevelt and Churchill. Nations already taken over. Germany, Adolf Hitler, and the NSDAP were desperately trying to save the “West”. Germany was the “West’s” last stand. With the defeat of Germany in 1945, the take over of the USA, Russia, and Europe was complete. Germany and even Japan stood in the way.

Germany or the German Empire, 1870 thru 1918, was ground zero on how we were going to be defined as human beings - for all time.

The American GI in that video. Looks like Airborne. I can see his patch. He was just another useful political tool. Fighting someone else’s war. He had no idea what he was doing. At the time, this American GI truly believe he was in the right. Doing the right thing. All caught up in the “must stop the evil Nazis” American fad and propaganda. Walt Disney, to LIFE Magazine, New York Times, Hollywood, to Roosevelt.

In that video, one can see a mess. Fallen lamps to saved paintings and books. All due to direct hits on the Bunker I assume. All symbolic of Germany’s downfall and hence National Socialism, Nationalized Banking. Symbolic of our own downfall. We let a Middle Eastern craziness take over with all the trimmings. Silent and sneaky. Welcome to the world of today. All thanks to this Middle Eastern craziness.

Think on that video watch it a few times. Reverse all your thinking and who you think are the “bad guys” and the “good guys”. 

Truth is, the USA and Nazi Germany should of have been allies - German and American soldiers fighting side by side against Stalin, Churchill, Roosevelt,..

"I have left no one in doubt that if the people of Europe are once more treated as mere blocks of shares in the hands of these international money and finance conspirators.."

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

If Not Us, Who?

Looking at this picture.

Is possible that the answer to those questions are in the past? 70 years past?

Is it possible that a nation or nations already had systems in place that solves present day economic and social problems?

I say yes. The “evil” axis powers of WW2. Germany, Japan, and Italy before 1945. Before 1939.

I have been reading a lot of LIFE, New York Times, books like “You Cant Do Business with Hitler” for the past six months. Even watching a few movies. John Wayne to Humphrey Bogart to James Cagney - “Blood on the Sun“. Walt Disney Donald Duck anti Adolf Hitler cartoons. I even read a Roosevelt speech. Just one. One is all I need when it comes to that person. After all, it is sources like this that was available to the American public back then. The only sources available. There was no public direct interviews and visits to Germany/Axis Powers. They were the ultimate “boogey men”.

“Blood on the Sun”. A “anti Jap” movie. Both Germany and Japan were trying to “conquer the world”. A pre “Holocaust” theme at the time according to Hollywood and the New York Times.

You know what I discovered? All the news media stuff reads like the “National Enquire” or the “Globe” of today. Nothing truthful or fact based. Just fad type stuff. For that what it was, a fad. A fad where Hollywood stars went to war for. Like Mickey Rooney. People were stupid back then. American citizens that is. Uncles to relatives. They were tricked. They did not know better.

These poor GI’s. They did not know what the Hell they were doing. Mickey Rooney included. All of these soldiers were useful political tools. A brunt and brutal truth. These soldiers were the instruments of our downfall. The USA and Europe.

This German soldier. He may or may not be a party member. Just a regular soldier fully aware of his nations History, speeches of Adolf Hitler, Treaty of Versailles in all. Aware of the anti Hitler and anti Germany USA propaganda. He is in his rights, fully correct, and justified in his actions. The American GI’s were nothing more than useful political tools.

A Walt Disney anti Germany/Hitler cartoon. Pre “Holocaust”. The “Nazis” are evil!

Sunday, June 26, 2011


Poland had a military. This country was not weak.

The Polish armed forces. A sample.



Fighter Aircraft.

Poland also had a Navy.

Infantry - 1 million 500,000 mobilized if one goes by history as it’s written. But then again, Poland had a guarantee from England and France.

One can argue about German numerical superiority and quality versus the Polish Armed forces. Even so, Poland before the war had modern equipment. Something to be reckon with even by Germany.

Germany and Poland were having territorial disputes since 1918 - the Treaty of Versailles. Poland was only a nation of 20 years. It was originally Germany for 200 years.

The invasion of Poland. Russia also invaded too - nobody said a word about Russia’s actions as far as I can tell. Stalin - you got to be kidding.

The invasion of Poland is a complex issue. Adolf Hitler was forced to invade Poland.

A quote with a source.

“Referring to the French-Polish alliance, the Fuehrer added that he would not attack France, having renounced all Territorial claims against that country, but if France went to war for Poland, he would see it through to the finish; (ref: Encyclopedia Americana – 1953-Volume 29, page 556g “World War II”).”

A quote taken from a book published in 1953. That is one of my main goals. To find old books on the War in Europe.

Poland had its own military dictatorship. Polish Marshals with a blank check Guarantee from England and France. A guarantee with no restrictions on Poland. England and France would declared war if Germany invaded Poland.

Adolf Hitler’s 16 point plan. Adolf Hitler did try to peacefully settle any disputes between Poland and Germany. This 16 point plan is one of a few attempts by Adolf Hitler. This plan sounds reasonable to me. I guess Poland decided otherwise.

One does not see much of this plan in the news media. One needs to search for it. I will not give the source at this time. A source article that gives no references to follow up on. The source news article is biased against Germany - ad hoc opinions. I am taking this plan as is with no attached editorials or opinions.

1 – Danzig to be immediately attached to the Reich.

2 – Self-determination for population of the Corridor from the Baltic south to a line drawn from Marienwerder to Schoenlanke.

3 – Plebiscite in this Corridor, Germans resident there in 1918 being eligible to vote. Plebiscite to be supervised by a commission of Britain, France, Italy and Russia. Region to be evacuated by Polish troops, police and authorities.

4 – Gdynia to be excepted from this region. Frontiers of the part to be settled between Germany and Poland.

5 - Plebiscite not to take place for 12 months.

6 – Special roads and railways to guarantee Germany’s communications with East Prussia and Poland’s with the sea.

7 – Simple majority to decide result of plebiscite.

8 – If territory went to Poland, Germany to be guaranteed extra-territorial motor-road and railway, with four tracks to Danzig and East Prussia. If territory went to Germany, Poland to be guaranteed similar road and railway to Gdynia.

9 – Should Corridor be returned to Germany, the Reich to submit a plan for exchange of nationals.

10 – Poland’s extra-territorial rights in Danzig to be balanced by German rights in Gdynia.

11 – Both cities to be unfortified and to be purely commercial.

12 – Peninsula of Hela (now in Polish hands off Gdynia) to be demilitarised.

13 – Both sides to submit complaints to international commission and to make restitution for damages since 1918.

14 – Both sides to protect the rights of each other’s minorities by agreements, in particular respecting freedom of organisation of these minorities, and to undertake not to conscript members of these minorities for military service.

15 – Both sides declare they are ready for immediate demobilisation.

16 – Further measures to expedite the above agreement to be agreed mutually by Germany and Poland.

Saturday, June 25, 2011


I am pleased with this site. Very good.

This “German Propaganda Archive” section is a perfect example of presenting evidence. Evidence to be only dismissed as “propaganda”. Propaganda in a sense or a view that this propaganda is false or misleading. A personal assumption, personal bias, or personal opinion.

Propaganda is a general term. An example of present day propaganda.

Propaganda is also a science in one respect (students studying Advertising will agree to this). A respect that Dr Goebbels will certainly understand or agree with.

There can be truthful propaganda and deceitful propaganda.

I have been putting together a coherent Historical study of pre 1945 Germany. A true Nationalist Socialist State, nationalized banking in all.

This treaty. I have read this treaty in depth. I too would throw away this treaty. Adolf Hitler did the same.

That treaty was not about peace or the “war guilt clause“. All about control.

I have also been studying the History of the German Empire. An independent nation. A nation that Adolf Hitler/the NSDAP was trying to save. He was unsuccessful. This wiki is a beginning. Not too bad really on its own.

National Socialism. How far did this book go? How successful was this program? I want to know the economics of pre 1945 National Socialist Germany. A zero interest loan. I wonder if President Roosevelt read this book.

Only 6 years to implement the “Programme“, 1933 -1939. War got in the way.

Mein Kampf. A good read. Should be taught in High School History classes. A book that I personally had to read on my own, no formal education needed.

A sample of speeches. '

Evidence. A good website.

I am questioning history as it is told today. I have thrown out my History book and starting from scratch. I have thrown away all “evil Nazi” Germany propaganda created by the victors - the USA and Allies.

Question. Who were the good guys and the bad guys?

Personally, I have chosen sides. Germany and Japan before 1945. Sometimes, the good guys do get defeated.

Race and Culture

Nordic ideals. Very nice if it is only a music video.

I believe in a world of Nationalities. Every race and culture is respected and explored. Adolf Hitler would of certainly agree with this premise.

I do not believe in mixing up and cross breeding people regardless of race.

I do not accept any premise that ignores racial history or racial roots.


I have been doing a lot of Google Earth of Europe and the USA over the past year. Germany, France, the UK.

My main concern is regular ordinary people. Not wealthy celebrities on weekend Ski trips to the Swiss Alps or People magazine articles. Not interested in out of touch political leaders either.

You know what I have discovered? Broken down infrastructure. Broken down buildings and graffiti everywhere. Especially Germany. I see no unity of people or culture. Everybody is a mixed bag of nonsense. I look at the pictures.

Infrastructure. This is the bottom line. Where and how you live.

I do see a lot of Synagogues and nice shiny buildings called Banks. This is no lie. I see this on Google Earth. Everything else of cultural value is just a tourist attraction or a Museum.

I see an Empire, the USA and Europe that is broke. Financially broke at one end of the scale. Broke and highly taxed.

The EU is a peoples failure. The other side of the scale. A success for big banking.

A central bank. A nice big shiny building.

I see a modern system where people and money are far apart. Collecting and hoarding money are on people’s minds. A quest.

I see a modern system where advertisements (a form of propaganda), political or commercial, that has nothing to do with reality or people’s lives.

Just show up for work and pay your taxes.

International Money and Finance Conspirators

“International money and finance conspirators”

But, then again, Israel may only be a front for someone else. A “poster child”. A symbol of global ambition. A family tradition.

Insane. Eyes closed in all. What an act. Who does this guy think he is? A humble servant? No.

“Stop holding the debt ceiling hostage”. Debt ceiling? There should be NO debt ceiling at all.

The fact is that the Federal Reserve Corporation is holding the USA hostage since 1913.


Arnold Schwarzenegger. What does this name conjure up? “Terminator”.

Former Governor of California. Just a politician. A republican.

He was only 1 percent of the total picture. The other 99 percent was California. People voted for him because he was popular, Terminator movies in all.

Adolf Hitler and the “party”, NSDAP. He was only 1 percent of the total picture. The other 99 percent was Germany. Farmers, Electricians, Plumbers, etc. People voted for Adolf Hitler and the NSDAP because he was popular, Beer Hall Putsch in all.

History for the past 70 years has ONLY concentrated and distorted that 1 lonely percent. What about the rest of Germany before 1945? 1939? What was the economic life of ordinary citizens under National Socialism? Totally ignored by mainstream history.

Adolf Hitler was Germany’s “Terminator”. Adolf Hitler was an embodiment of what a strong leadership should be as far as ordinary folk were concerned.

In one respect, Adolf Hitler was a celebrity like Arnold Schwarzenegger. Even made toys.

Actually, more like artwork.

A doll.

Maybe based on this photo. Everybody was doing the salute. A salute ancient in origin.

A currency note with a picture of Adolf Hitler. First time seeing this. Not totally sure of authenticity. That is “De-Nazification" for you.

The good guys.

They were fighting to continue this. German National Socialism. Something for everyone.

A book I have only learned recently.

A zero interest loan and the elimination of taxes that burden “the person and business owner”. Something like that.
This person. Looks like a Ivy Leaguer from Harvard. A sweatshirt with a Swastika. He may have a signed copy of “Mein Kampf”. Like most people, he may read all of it or just parts. However, he may not have read “Mein Kampf” at all.

At the shooting range. I like images like this, shows normal, non political scenes of a reality. A reality destroyed by the USA and Allies in 1945.

Mother and child.

The Autobahn. Question, how was this project financed? Loans with interest from a private bank? Maybe Zero Interest loans? A tax hike on the populace? How about grants? Just give money away and call it legal tender. Germany had 10 million unemployed people by 1934 or so. The economy was not doing good at all when the Autobahn started construction.

Adolf Hitler with ordinary workmen. Some maybe a member of the NSDAP. You did not have to be a party member or join an organization like the Labor Front. After all, Adolf Hitler and the NSDAP leadership was just a political party. A political party with Nationalist Socialist goals.

It’s off to work. Workers saluting Adolf Hitler.

A racial protection policy. Ok by me. I assume people of today have issues with this.

A chart showing the concerns.

A family. All German was the goal. No mixed racial marriages.

The Hitler Youth. Lots of spin and propaganda on this. Hollywood movies and Nuremberg propaganda.

This one reminds me of Tai Chi.

Nuremberg. The primary purpose of this mock trial was to demonized the “enemy”.

All of the accused had to rely on memory. For example, none of the accused had an opportunity to say, “look, lets go to Auschwitz and I will show the facts”. That scenario was a no no. Nuremberg was a one sided affair, the USA and Allies. The victors.

They Fell for Europe

“They Fell for Europe“. They most certainly did. A parade in France.

They were fighting for Adolf Hitler and real freedom. They were fighting for National Socialism.

Normandy. The American GI’s in this photo. What did these GI’s go on? President Roosevelt approved “Why We Fight” propaganda films? Porky Pig/Bugs Bunny anti Adolf Hitler cartoons? Humphrey Bogart movies? The New York Times? These soldiers were tricked, lied too, and drafted. A good number of USA/Allies soldiers lost their lives on lies.

Question. Just how did that German soldier/warrior end up on that tank/cannon ?

A wiki entry on the invaders. Not liberators.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Nordic Ideals

Adolf Hitler and the NSDAP were looking Northward to these Nordic ideals.
This “Northward” looking ideal is stated in this book. Some of the sentences are cut off. That’s OK. The meaning is not lost.

Page 35.

“ usually the best, most industrious, and venturesome - engineers, professors, merchants, doctors, - who go into foreign lands,....German Kultur with them. They are members of the great German national family, to which they must never be lost. They have a expect protection from home when they are abroad. not merely disseminators of Kultur, but the conscious advance....of the Germanic idea in the world; not 'apostles of humanity' but...of the Nordic idea."

I am sure there are current versions of the “Programme”. However. I will stick to the online version.


This nation has potential. They just need to restructure their Tax philosophy.

Taxes. It’s like a bad habit or drug addiction. There are alternatives.

The goal of government/people is to make other people prosperous.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Mein Kampf

A good read. 1925. Only 86 years. 66 years since the defeat of Germany in 1945. The future has yet to decide if the defeat of Germany and Japan was a good thing or a correct course of action. A correct course for the future of Humanity.

A book that should be taught in every High School History class. An honest clean copy.

A few quotes from Volume 2, Chapter 2, The State.

“A clear-cut division must be made between general culture and the special branches. To-day the latter threaten more and more to devote themselves exclusively to the service of Mammon. To counterbalance this tendency, general culture should be preserved, at least in its ideal forms. The principle should be repeatedly emphasized, that industrial and technical progress, trade and commerce, can flourish only so long as a folk community exists whose general system of thought is inspired by ideals, since that is the preliminary condition for a flourishing development of the enterprises I have spoken of. That condition is not created by a spirit of materialist egotism but by a spirit of self-denial and the joy of giving one's self in the service of others.”

“It is also one of the aims before our movement to hold out the prospect of a time when the individual will be given what he needs for the purposes of his life and it will be a time in which, on the other hand, the principle will be upheld that man does not live for material enjoyment alone. This principle will find expression in a wiser scale of wages and salaries which will enable everyone, including the humblest workman who fulfils his duties conscientiously, to live an honourable and decent life both as a man and as a citizen. Let it not be said that this is merely a visionary ideal, that this world would never tolerate it in practice and that of itself it is impossible to attain.“

“The present epoch is working out its own ruin. It introduces universal suffrage, chatters about equal rights but can find no foundation for this equality. It considers the material wage as the expression of a man's value and thus destroys the basis of the noblest kind of equality that can exist. For equality cannot and does not depend on the work a man does, but only on the manner in which each one does the particular work allotted to him. Thus alone will mere natural chance be set aside in determining the work of a man and thus only does the individual become the artificer of his own social worth.”

“At the present time, when whole groups of people estimate each other's value only by the size of the salaries which they respectively receive, there will be no understanding of all this. But that is no reason why we should cease to champion those ideas. Quite the opposite: in an epoch which is inwardly diseased and decaying anyone who would heal it must have the courage first to lay bare the real roots of the disease. And the National Socialist Movement must take that duty on its shoulders. It will have to lift its voice above the heads of the small bourgeoisie and rally together and co-ordinate all those popular forces which are ready to become the protagonists of a new philosophy of life.”

“A reform of particular importance is that which ought to take place in the present methods of teaching history. Scarcely any other people are made to study as much of history as the Germans, and scarcely any other people make such a bad use of their historical knowledge. If politics means history in the making, then our way of teaching history stands condemned by the way we have conducted our politics. But there would be no point in bewailing the lamentable results of our political conduct unless one is now determined to give our people a better political education. In 99 out of 100 cases the results of our present teaching of history are deplorable. Usually only a few dates, years of birth and names, remain in the memory, while a knowledge of the main and clearly defined lines of historical development is completely lacking. The essential features which are of real significance are not taught. It is left to the more or less bright intelligence of the individual to discover the inner motivating urge amid the mass of dates and chronological succession of events.”

“It may be that money has become the one power that governs life today. Yet a time will come when men will again bow to higher gods. Much that we have today owes its existence to the desire for money and property; but there is very little among all this which would leave the world poorer by its lack.”

“The man who demands from Fate a guarantee of his success deliberately denies the significance of an heroic act. For this significance consists in the very fact that, in the definite knowledge that the situation in question is fraught with mortal danger, an action is undertaken which may lead to success. A patient suffering from cancer and who knows that his death is certain if he does not undergo an operation, needs no 51 per cent probability of a cure before facing the operation. And if the operation promises only half of one per cent probability of success a man of courage will risk it and would not whine if it turned out unsuccessful.”

“It is a characteristic of our materialistic epoch that our scientific education shows a growing emphasis on what is real and practical: such subjects, for instance, as applied mathematics, physics, chemistry, etc. Of course they are necessary in an age that is dominated by industrial technology and chemistry, and where everyday life shows at least the external manifestations of these. But it is a perilous thing to base the general culture of a nation on the knowledge of these subjects. On the contrary, that general culture ought always to be directed towards ideals. It ought to be founded on the humanist disciplines and should aim at giving only the ground work of further specialized instruction in the various practical sciences. Otherwise we should sacrifice those forces that are more important for the preservation of the nation than any technical knowledge. In the historical department the study of ancient history should not be omitted. Roman history, along general lines, is and will remain the best teacher, not only for our own time but also for the future. And the ideal of Hellenic culture should be preserved for us in all its marvelous beauty. The differences between the various peoples should not prevent us from recognizing the community of race which unites them on a higher plane. The conflict of our times is one that is being waged around great objectives. A civilization is fighting for its existence. It is a civilization that is the product of thousands of years of historical development, and the Greek as well as the German forms part of it.”

I could go on with more quotes. If I did this, I would end up copying the whole chapter.

Another book to read. Also good. Read page 42-43.

“The Common Interest before Self - The Spirit of the Program”

“Abolition of the Thraldom of Interest - The core of National Socialism”

Gottfried Feder has written other books. These books are in German. I am looking for English translations.

Breaking the “Slavery of Interest”. I added comments in parentheses.
Our financial principle: Finance shall exist for the benefit of the state; the financial magnates shall not form a state within a state. Hence our aim to break the thraldom (slavery) of interest.

16. Relief of the state, and hence of the nation, from its indebtedness to the great financial houses (international central banks) which lend on into.

17. Nationalisation of the Reichsbank and the issuing houses. ( this step eliminates the power and separateness of a central bank).

18. Provision of money for all great public objects (water projects, railroads, etc), not by means of loans, but by granting non - interesting bearing state bonds or without using ready money. (“without using ready money” - think!).

19. Introduction of a fixed standard of currency on a secured basis (Currency backed by labor instead of Gold).

20. Creation of a national bank of business development - currently in reform - for the granting non-interest bearing loans. (non - interest bearing loans - think on this, since when does a modern day, present day bank do this?).

21. Fundamental re-modeling of the system of taxation on sound economic principles. Relief of the consumer from the burden of indirect taxation, and of the producer from crippling taxes. Fiscal reform and relief from taxation.

This chart. A beginning. This system is the heart of “Nazi” Germany’s economic recovery. I am still studying this chart. These “bills” are a form of non -interest bearing or zero interest loans/bonds. These bills are converted to cash at a discount - the banks still earn profits.
The source article. This author is brainwashed by propaganda. This article is slanted to the “evil Nazi” propaganda theme. The author at the end of this article invokes a religious figure. Irrelevant.

This has nothing to do with the previous article or economics.

Despite the authors personal “evil Nazi” slant, a glimpse is revealed on the NSDAP economic “miracle”.


The “Holocaust”.

I like this web page. It has a very nice SS officer photo album. 1944/45 at the very end of a brutal 30 year war. Shooting and non shooting. Bombing of civilian cites. Thousands of thousands of German civilians were being killed by Allied bombing campaigns. Important to put things in to context. A war declared on Germany in 1939 for defending itself from Poland. Poland was threatening to invade Germany - a new/old understanding of the situation.

Then there is this album. 1944/45. There are no gassing or murders here. I see people getting off trains. This is a deportation and labor program. Not genocide or mass murder. There are no photos of “gas chambers” or any photos of dead people as result of gassing.

By mid 1944, you can be certain German infrastructure was starting to break down. Bridges, electricity, water treatment plants. There was a naval blockade in place during the war. You get the idea. It is very difficult to truck supplies (food/medicine/Zyklon B) to a camp while a P47, with 8 50 caliber machine guns, is shooting at you. It is difficult to ship supplies somewhere but only to find a bridge is out. That was the kind of war that was going on. Indiscriminate warfare. A total war between two economic philosophies. Capitalism versus National Socialism (National Socialism - think Mein Kampf and the “Programme“ by Gottfried Feder).

“Elderly Jewish men from Subcarpathian Rus sit on the grass in Auschwitz-Birkenau prior to being sent to the gas chambers.”

That is an assumption and spin.

“The "Auschwitz Album" is an album of photographs documenting the arrival, selection and processing of one or more transports of Jews from Subcarpathian Rus (Carpatho-Ukraine), then part of Hungary, that came to Auschwitz-Birkenau in the latter half of May, 1944. “

That is correct. Selection (for work) and processing (shaving of hair, delousing, disinfecting).

“Jewish women from Subcarpathian Rus who have been selected for forced labor at Auschwitz-Birkenau, march toward their barracks after disinfection and headshaving. “

They were sent to barracks.

I see people walking. Were is the gas chamber?

“Jewish women and children from Subcarpathian Rus who have been selected for death at Auschwitz-Birkenau, walk toward the gas chambers.”

Same thing. A picture with an assumption. Where are the gas chambers?

“Jewish women and children from Subcarpathian Rus who have been selected for death at Auschwitz-Birkenau, walk toward the gas chambers."

If something bad was going on at this camp, why take pictures if only to implicate oneself? I would not take any photos at all if up to no good. The fact is nothing was going on. No gassing, cremations (except for people who died. There were hundreds or even thousands of people at these labor prison camps).

“The album, which includes 193 photographs mounted on 56 pages, was taken by SS-Hauptscharführer Bernhardt Walter, head of the Auschwitz photographic laboratory known as the Erkennungsdienst [Identification Service] and his assistant, SS-Unterscharführer Ernst Hofmann. The album was produced as a presentation volume for the camp commandant. The photographs were arranged in the album by a prisoner named Myszkowski, who worked in the lab. He also decorated the volume and wrote captions for the pictures.”

The captions written for this album are not the original captions by Myszkowski. You are not going to label a photo “….walk toward the gas chambers” and present this album to a camp commandant. Talk about self incrimination. Unless it was a walk to the gas chamber to de-louse clothes. No problem with that.

Another “Off to the gas chambers!” Maybe to disinfect their clothes? There were gas chambers for this purpose.

“At war's end Lili was sick with typhus in the infirmary of the Nordhausen concentration camp.”

Typhus was a big problem at this and other camps. This is why they used Zyklon B. Good stuff. I can use it to fumigate my room. Seal up my room up with duct tape, sprinkle Zyklon B on the floor, close the door and seal it with duct tape, wait 24 hours to kill tiny lice/bugs, and ventilate. It is proper to wear a gas mask at least for protection. I probably need training and certification from the company who made Zyklon B. The right way in using Zyklon B. But, If I am careful, I can use Zyklon B without a gas mask or training (hold my breath or breath shallow while applying Zyklon B).

A survivor story. May 1944. Again, this is near the end of a total war against Germany.

She was only 19 years old during her deportation experience. Deportation and labor is the theme. Adolf Hitler warned if war came to Germany over Poland, Adolf Hitler would begin deporting ordinary Jews. This is a war time speech, keep this in mind. Churchill was already bombing civilians

I like this speech. A couple of months after the Polish Campaign.

One may ask why Jews were singled out. This picture gives a hint. From 1933 boycotts to Dresden. Who declared war first? "Judea Declares War on Germany”. This is the other side of it all. A side not shown. Movies or Propaganda.

A few quotes.

“At the train station, the SS packed us all into cattle cars.”

What is a cattle car? I saw box cars. Ordinary railroad box cars. She got on to a train. Maybe not first class or coach. There were no seats for they were box cars. A war was going on.

“They then ordered us to undress; take off everything. So, there we were, completely naked in front of all those SS soldiers and were ordered to take a quick shower.”

She took a shower. A wartime experience.

“By this time all the others; the old people like my grandparents, or the pregnant women like my aunt, or my cousins who were too young; were sent to the left. The Nazis didn't need them. We never saw them again. None of them came back. Not one. “

What is she implying or assuming here?

“On another day, after the roll-call, we had to line up to be tattooed on our arms with numbers.”

This was to protect her identity. There were legitimate prisoners faking other peoples ID. I wonder how many non Jews or criminals were at these labor prison camps? This concentration camp system was a penal system. Instead of calling them camps, maybe they should be called Jails? They were called Camps because they were something better than USA Sing Sing style jails/prisons.

The rest of her story describes people being sick and/or dying. Infrastructure breakdown at work and a Typhus outbreak.

The problem with this website is its narrow mindedness. It takes a small part of WW2 and makes clean sweeping judgment. The Nazis are “evil”. Dedicated in1993.

This is the theme I see. It is only within the past 20, 25 years that this “Holocaust” started to pick up speed. Someone decided to crank up the Holocaust volume. 50 years after the fact.

Where was she in 1980?, 1970?, 1960? Why didn’t she run to the “authorities” describing how she was treated by the “evil Nazis” back then? Maybe publish a book 5, 10 years after the war? Maybe she had more important things on her mind like marriage, school, and such.

Why not a “Holocaust Museum” in 1955? 1960? 1970? Was there any?

The Jews are being singled out for this Holocaust. OK. How about German civilians? Russian civilians? American GI’s? (I had a relative that was in a concentration camp, he “survived“ of course). Either there is a Holocaust for all or a Holocaust for none.


Since WW2 or 1945, the world of today is the result of that war. The defeat of the “evil Axis”, Germany and Japan. In 1948, this nation was proclaimed,

63 years later, Israel is an empire de facto encompassing the USA, Europe, Russia. I am suspecting that Israel also has influence in China, Japan, and even Latin America. Israel/Zion is a political entity with Global ambitions. Actually, the USA, Europe - the UK especially, and Russia was already apart of this Jewish empire in 1948. They immediately recognized Israel when Israel declared independence.

This German 1940s cartoon sums it up nicely. Before 1945, Germany, Adolf Hitler and the NSDAP, were acutely aware of the Jewish global ambition threat and wanted no part of it. A Middle Eastern based Jewish/Zion global empire with the philosophy, economics, banking, commercialism, and a religion that goes with it.

Before 1948, it was Palestine. Actually, it was the British Mandate of Palestine, 1920 -1948.

Three years earlier in 1917, the Balfour declaration was publicly announced as British policy.

The Treaty of Versailles. Effective 1920. An attempt to control and weaken Germany. This treaty attempted to imposed fines worth at least 3 times the total land value for the next 70 years for starters. Adolf Hitler was only a WW1 soldier at the time. Adolf Hitler was elected Reich president in 1933. Adolf Hitler threw away this treaty.

A US Congressional prayer, 1918. Anti German propaganda. Setting the stage for the next 30 years. US WW2 soldiers were just being born or toddlers.

“Almighty God! Our Heavenly Father! Thou knowest that we are embroiled in a war for life and death with one of the most shameful, mean, greedy, stingy, bloodthirsty, depraved and sinful nations that ever disgraced the pages of history. Thou knowest that Germany has squeezed enough tears from the eyes of mankind to fill a new ocean, that is has spilled enough blood to redden each wave on that ocean, that it has choked enough screams and moans from the hearts of men, women, and children to pile into a mountain. We entreat Thee, bare thy mighty arm and beat back the massive pack of hungry wolfish Huns, from whose fangs drip blood and slime. We entreat Thee, let the stars in their course and the winds and waves fight against them. And once it is all over, we shall bare our heads and lift our faces up to Heaven. And praise be to Thee for evermore, in Jesus Christ. Amen.”

US Congressional Record - The proceedings and debates of the second session of the 65th Congress of the United States of America. Session of January 10, 1918.
66 years later since 1945, Germany, Italy, and Japan were defeated. Supposedly, they were the “bad guys”. Hollywood, the News Media - New York Times for example, Roosevelt, and Churchill back then has said so.

Somewhere, maybe the Pentagon, London, Moscow, Paris, or even all them, in government buildings, there are files and files of all things “Nazi” Germany.

De-Nazification. This was for people like you and I.

The good stuff like economics, educational structure, banking, taxes, social structure, military, are all withheld..

I have yet to see a MEFO bill. A “Work Creation” bill. “Money back by Labor”. (Instead of Gold).

I have yet to see an income tax form under Nazi Germany and Adolf Hitler. Was there any income taxes? If there was, what were the rates? By 1939, there were income taxes in the USA.

A link. “……and direct social behavior”.

Was Nazi Germany a true Nationalist Socialist society? As of today, I say yes. Actually, a compromise between Capitalism and Socialism. No system is either pure Capitalist or Socialist. However, there can be extremes of either Socialism or Capitalism.

All I have seen is how evil and bad Nazi Germany was. Hollywood, news media, and education as sponsored by governments.

All I have seen is propaganda and spin. Spin, spin, and more spin.

Nazi Germany is evil!

A few movies. Pre “Holocaust”. A sample. All of them silly and stupid. Definitely not science or investigations. USA anti “Nazi” German Propaganda. They are fictional movies. Not in depth studies of life in pre 1945 National Socialist Germany. Never was any.

1939 - “Confessions of a Nazi Spy”.

1942 - 1945. “Why We Fight” series. Approved by Roosevelt. Pure fiction. Not science or unbiased History.

1943 - “Hitler’s Children” and “Hitler’s Madman”. These are Hollywood movies. Not a single piece of truth to them.'s_Children_(film)'s_Madman

Then there are the patriotic pro USA/Allies movies. Just one sample. 1943.

Fast forward 65 years to the present. 2008. A anti Nazi/Adolf Hitler movie. Fiction. A fictional dramatization movie based on single shred of history, the assassination attempt of Adolf Hitler. Everything after this is a Hollywood movie.

65 years of anti Nazi propaganda and movies. 93 years since that anti German US Congressional prayer. This type of propaganda shows a desperate fanaticism.

Question. When will people begin to wake up and mature?

A propaganda poster 1940s, pre “Holocaust“. A propaganda theme that changes over the years. Posters, Hollywood movies, books. Lots of spin that continues to this day. Mix some historical fact with lots of propaganda fiction to confuse the public. If one wants a clean history of pre 1945 Germany, one needs to research diligently yourself. Standard College and University classes are useless.

When this poster came out there was supposed to be a holocaust going on. Thousands to millions were being killed 24/7. You need to do this if one is going to kill 6 million people within 4 years during a two front war. News of this would have been leaked out. Of course, we have this scenario 60 years later.

What better way to whip up anti Nazi hysteria by showing holocaust themes during the war. Humphrey Bogart movies to New York Times spin. Never happened.

“Holocaust” propaganda. This is for another post.

Monday, June 13, 2011


History that applies to the present. Germany and Japan were the good guys.

A zero interest loan. Debts not needed. A beginning.

National Socialism or Capitalism?

Treaty of Versailles. I too would throw away this treaty.

Germany was destroyed in 1945 and replaced by something stupid. 1000 years or more of Germanic history erased.

Destroyed so we can have this?

63 years of insanity and counting.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Last Testament

The Political Testament of Adolf Hitler. Not hard to read. Adolf Hitler was an ordinary WW1 Soldier and nothing more. A common Joe. Adolf Hitler eventually became a leader of 70 Million people and an architect of a National Socialism program. A program that was WORKING.

Adolf Hitler Speech

Watching this speech. I look at the small details of any video.

I can see crowds, time frame 3:00 - 3:15 especially. Why were these people celebrating?

Something was going right in Germany before 1945. Just about everybody liked Adolf Hitler and the NSDAP.

Question, what did Adolf Hitler and the NSDAP do to create such positive out flowing among people?

Germany before 1945 had a culture, economics, and banking system all their own. Adolf Hitler wanted a totally free and independent Germany. Not a “Plantation of drones” apart of an international scheme.

“Plantation of drones” is a phrase used by Adolf Hitler.

“What we want is not a State of drones but a State which gives to everyone that to which on the basis of his own activity he has a right. He who refuses to do honest work shall not be a citizen of the State. The State is not a plantation where the interests of foreign capital are supreme. Capital is not the master of the State, but its servant. Therefore the State must not be brought into dependence on international loan capital. And if anyone believes that that cannot be avoided, then do not let him be surprised that no one is ready to give his life for this State. Further, that greatest injustice must be corrected which today still weighs heavily upon our people and upon almost all peoples. If in a State only he who does honest work is a citizen, then everyone has the right to demand that in his old age he shall be kept free from care and want. That would mean the realization of the greatest social achievement.”

Germany did fall. After 1945, Germany ceased to exist. A map showing the military occupation zones.

There was no University lead academic study of Nationalist Socialist Germany after the war.. Just military occupation and “de - Nazification" that continues to this day.

The main reason for a lack of any truthful historical account of Germany before 1945.