Saturday, June 25, 2011


Arnold Schwarzenegger. What does this name conjure up? “Terminator”.

Former Governor of California. Just a politician. A republican.

He was only 1 percent of the total picture. The other 99 percent was California. People voted for him because he was popular, Terminator movies in all.

Adolf Hitler and the “party”, NSDAP. He was only 1 percent of the total picture. The other 99 percent was Germany. Farmers, Electricians, Plumbers, etc. People voted for Adolf Hitler and the NSDAP because he was popular, Beer Hall Putsch in all.

History for the past 70 years has ONLY concentrated and distorted that 1 lonely percent. What about the rest of Germany before 1945? 1939? What was the economic life of ordinary citizens under National Socialism? Totally ignored by mainstream history.

Adolf Hitler was Germany’s “Terminator”. Adolf Hitler was an embodiment of what a strong leadership should be as far as ordinary folk were concerned.

In one respect, Adolf Hitler was a celebrity like Arnold Schwarzenegger. Even made toys.

Actually, more like artwork.

A doll.

Maybe based on this photo. Everybody was doing the salute. A salute ancient in origin.

A currency note with a picture of Adolf Hitler. First time seeing this. Not totally sure of authenticity. That is “De-Nazification" for you.

The good guys.

They were fighting to continue this. German National Socialism. Something for everyone.

A book I have only learned recently.

A zero interest loan and the elimination of taxes that burden “the person and business owner”. Something like that.
This person. Looks like a Ivy Leaguer from Harvard. A sweatshirt with a Swastika. He may have a signed copy of “Mein Kampf”. Like most people, he may read all of it or just parts. However, he may not have read “Mein Kampf” at all.

At the shooting range. I like images like this, shows normal, non political scenes of a reality. A reality destroyed by the USA and Allies in 1945.

Mother and child.

The Autobahn. Question, how was this project financed? Loans with interest from a private bank? Maybe Zero Interest loans? A tax hike on the populace? How about grants? Just give money away and call it legal tender. Germany had 10 million unemployed people by 1934 or so. The economy was not doing good at all when the Autobahn started construction.

Adolf Hitler with ordinary workmen. Some maybe a member of the NSDAP. You did not have to be a party member or join an organization like the Labor Front. After all, Adolf Hitler and the NSDAP leadership was just a political party. A political party with Nationalist Socialist goals.

It’s off to work. Workers saluting Adolf Hitler.

A racial protection policy. Ok by me. I assume people of today have issues with this.

A chart showing the concerns.

A family. All German was the goal. No mixed racial marriages.

The Hitler Youth. Lots of spin and propaganda on this. Hollywood movies and Nuremberg propaganda.

This one reminds me of Tai Chi.

Nuremberg. The primary purpose of this mock trial was to demonized the “enemy”.

All of the accused had to rely on memory. For example, none of the accused had an opportunity to say, “look, lets go to Auschwitz and I will show the facts”. That scenario was a no no. Nuremberg was a one sided affair, the USA and Allies. The victors.

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