Saturday, June 25, 2011


I am pleased with this site. Very good.

This “German Propaganda Archive” section is a perfect example of presenting evidence. Evidence to be only dismissed as “propaganda”. Propaganda in a sense or a view that this propaganda is false or misleading. A personal assumption, personal bias, or personal opinion.

Propaganda is a general term. An example of present day propaganda.

Propaganda is also a science in one respect (students studying Advertising will agree to this). A respect that Dr Goebbels will certainly understand or agree with.

There can be truthful propaganda and deceitful propaganda.

I have been putting together a coherent Historical study of pre 1945 Germany. A true Nationalist Socialist State, nationalized banking in all.

This treaty. I have read this treaty in depth. I too would throw away this treaty. Adolf Hitler did the same.

That treaty was not about peace or the “war guilt clause“. All about control.

I have also been studying the History of the German Empire. An independent nation. A nation that Adolf Hitler/the NSDAP was trying to save. He was unsuccessful. This wiki is a beginning. Not too bad really on its own.

National Socialism. How far did this book go? How successful was this program? I want to know the economics of pre 1945 National Socialist Germany. A zero interest loan. I wonder if President Roosevelt read this book.

Only 6 years to implement the “Programme“, 1933 -1939. War got in the way.

Mein Kampf. A good read. Should be taught in High School History classes. A book that I personally had to read on my own, no formal education needed.

A sample of speeches. '

Evidence. A good website.

I am questioning history as it is told today. I have thrown out my History book and starting from scratch. I have thrown away all “evil Nazi” Germany propaganda created by the victors - the USA and Allies.

Question. Who were the good guys and the bad guys?

Personally, I have chosen sides. Germany and Japan before 1945. Sometimes, the good guys do get defeated.

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