Sunday, June 26, 2011


Poland had a military. This country was not weak.

The Polish armed forces. A sample.



Fighter Aircraft.

Poland also had a Navy.

Infantry - 1 million 500,000 mobilized if one goes by history as it’s written. But then again, Poland had a guarantee from England and France.

One can argue about German numerical superiority and quality versus the Polish Armed forces. Even so, Poland before the war had modern equipment. Something to be reckon with even by Germany.

Germany and Poland were having territorial disputes since 1918 - the Treaty of Versailles. Poland was only a nation of 20 years. It was originally Germany for 200 years.

The invasion of Poland. Russia also invaded too - nobody said a word about Russia’s actions as far as I can tell. Stalin - you got to be kidding.

The invasion of Poland is a complex issue. Adolf Hitler was forced to invade Poland.

A quote with a source.

“Referring to the French-Polish alliance, the Fuehrer added that he would not attack France, having renounced all Territorial claims against that country, but if France went to war for Poland, he would see it through to the finish; (ref: Encyclopedia Americana – 1953-Volume 29, page 556g “World War II”).”

A quote taken from a book published in 1953. That is one of my main goals. To find old books on the War in Europe.

Poland had its own military dictatorship. Polish Marshals with a blank check Guarantee from England and France. A guarantee with no restrictions on Poland. England and France would declared war if Germany invaded Poland.

Adolf Hitler’s 16 point plan. Adolf Hitler did try to peacefully settle any disputes between Poland and Germany. This 16 point plan is one of a few attempts by Adolf Hitler. This plan sounds reasonable to me. I guess Poland decided otherwise.

One does not see much of this plan in the news media. One needs to search for it. I will not give the source at this time. A source article that gives no references to follow up on. The source news article is biased against Germany - ad hoc opinions. I am taking this plan as is with no attached editorials or opinions.

1 – Danzig to be immediately attached to the Reich.

2 – Self-determination for population of the Corridor from the Baltic south to a line drawn from Marienwerder to Schoenlanke.

3 – Plebiscite in this Corridor, Germans resident there in 1918 being eligible to vote. Plebiscite to be supervised by a commission of Britain, France, Italy and Russia. Region to be evacuated by Polish troops, police and authorities.

4 – Gdynia to be excepted from this region. Frontiers of the part to be settled between Germany and Poland.

5 - Plebiscite not to take place for 12 months.

6 – Special roads and railways to guarantee Germany’s communications with East Prussia and Poland’s with the sea.

7 – Simple majority to decide result of plebiscite.

8 – If territory went to Poland, Germany to be guaranteed extra-territorial motor-road and railway, with four tracks to Danzig and East Prussia. If territory went to Germany, Poland to be guaranteed similar road and railway to Gdynia.

9 – Should Corridor be returned to Germany, the Reich to submit a plan for exchange of nationals.

10 – Poland’s extra-territorial rights in Danzig to be balanced by German rights in Gdynia.

11 – Both cities to be unfortified and to be purely commercial.

12 – Peninsula of Hela (now in Polish hands off Gdynia) to be demilitarised.

13 – Both sides to submit complaints to international commission and to make restitution for damages since 1918.

14 – Both sides to protect the rights of each other’s minorities by agreements, in particular respecting freedom of organisation of these minorities, and to undertake not to conscript members of these minorities for military service.

15 – Both sides declare they are ready for immediate demobilisation.

16 – Further measures to expedite the above agreement to be agreed mutually by Germany and Poland.

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