Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Alfred Rosenberg

Alfred Rosenberg. He has written a book filled with clues and even facts.

I am reading this. A book written in 1930 or so. Just a book - not a bible or something to preach gospel. A mixture of myth, philosophy, history, race and culture, strong critism of Jewish control and power, and even some personal opinions. This is my rational thought to that book. There are some ideas I like and warrants further research and investigation - especially on race and culture.

Alfred Rosenberg.

Alfred Rosenberg was hanged because he wrote a book. That it is all. He is not responsible for other people’s actions because of what he wrote. That is Nuremberg for you. A public show trial to burn myth and propaganda into people’s minds. The “Nazi’s” are evil! Nazi Germany is evil….Run!

Most certainly, Alfred Rosenberg was hanged because of some anti-Semitic sentences of that book. I say a small percentage of the book has some of this anti-Semitic writings.

George Orwell was right.

A quote from this his book - The Myth of the Twentieth Century.

"Before and during the world war, Jewish high finance had declared that its policy coincided with the policy of Great Britain. England had conquered south Africa for the Jewish diamond dealers such as Lewis, Beith, Lewisohn, and the rest. It had handed over control of all financial transactions to Jewish bankers such as Rothschild, Montague, Cassell, Lazards, and the rest. It had allowed the opium trade to fall increasingly into Jewish hands. The Jew Lord Reading, whose real name was Isaacs, took care of important loan negotiations with the United states of America. Finally, England, through the Balfour Declaration, took over the safeguarding of Jewish interests in all states. The Frankfurter Zeitung knew exactly at the time what it was saying when it declared that the Balfour Declaration had been the yeast of English victory. Although Jewish finance capital had come to weigh heavily on English life, the Conservative forces were at least strong enough to take an active role in all lands against Bolshevism through strong anti Communist propaganda. Jewry now provided the answer, although not directly in England itself. Outside Great Britain this answer was the Communist incitement all over the world against England. Furthermore, the Jewish press initially gave complete support to the Chinese south. The international Jewish press next called for an anticolonial congress in Brussels in March, 1927. It then began whipping up all colonial peoples in the east, first the Indians, then the Chinese. This entire action, whose outward effects we can follow daily in the Democratic and Bolshevist press, has openly the one purpose of forcing England into more and more concessions to universal Jewry. On the other hand it also has the goal of carrying through with help of the Chinese generals the anti Japanese deployment in China. Then it plans to subject rebellious Japan, which is still independent of high finance."

Rothschild. I wonder.

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