Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Amazon Review

An Amazon review that I wrote a few days ago. Of course, this will not be published on the website. It will not be posted on because it is the TRUTH.

I purchased "Triumph of the Will". I have seen better Youtube videos and translations. The DVD is a "C-".
The review I wrote,

Propaganda. Today’s movies, newspapers, News Broadcasts like CNN, TV shows, books, can be considered propaganda for propaganda is a general term.

Given that said, “Triumph of the Will” is a historical documentary of events as it happens, no re-enactments. Non fiction and “Filmed on location”.

A few historical facts.

1. Adolf Hitler and the NSDAP was just a political party with Nationalist Socialist goals. A legally elected party of a population of 70 million or so. Think Democrats or Republicans.

2. Germany had 6 years of peace, ignoring the propaganda war by the USA/others, from 1933 thru 1939. Economic programs initiated by Adolf Hitler and the NSDAP created jobs and the Autobahn. Germany before 1945, under Adolf Hitler and the NSDAP, had their own Germanic culture, economics (Nationalizing of companies and such), and banking system - zero interest loans for starters.

3. Poland. A nation of 20 years created by the USA imposed “Treaty of Versailles”. Poland was originally Germany for 200 years. Poland had two military dictators. The first dictator was OK with Adolf Hitler, non aggression pacts and agreements. The first one died and the second Polish military dictator was a menace. After all, the newly created nation of Poland had a blank check guarantee from England and France. Adolf Hitler was forced to take action against half of Poland. Poland was threatening Germany. Russia invaded the other half two weeks later. Bottom line, the “invasion” of Poland was a REGIONAL conflict. Not worth a world war.

4. Adolf Hitler was trying to save a nation called the German Empire united in 1871. WW1 and the Treaty of Versailles took advantage of a weak Germany. Germany was forced to accept territorial concessions - Poland and Czechoslovakia, 70 year fines, and military occupation. Much more than just the “War Guilt Clause”. The “Treaty of Versailles” was all about control and redefining an independent European nation called the German Empire. In reality, Germany was fighting a 30 year war - 1914 thru 1945. Adolf Hitler was elected Reichspresident in 1933.

5. Adolf Hitler, the NSDAP, and Germany before 1945 were the good guys. American GI’s and the public were tricked into war with Germany. The anti German propaganda was downright silly at the time. And today.

6. One must break free from culturally ingrained 70 years worth of propaganda. I have.

7. Finally, I enjoy watching “Triumph of the Will”. I see nothing wrong with it. A small tidbit of much larger historical puzzle.

Update 6-2-2011. My review has been posted by Amazon.

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